ur probaly wondering... what is this site for?

Voidpain, previously known as Nowhere Zone, is my custom corner of the web for me to well... be me :P Ive been a webmaster since 2022, and im starting this site from scracth for the 4th time in two years! as i get busier (and my laptop degrades) ive realized that i havent got the time nor energy to work in a pretty interface :/ so,this site wont be the most graphically impressive... tho, if ur curious on what the site used to look like, u can find some snapshots in the wayback machine! not sure who archived these... whoever u are, ur a lifesaver! I deleted most of my old pages bc they were completely unusable after discord took down hotlinking... something i was NOT prepared for lmfao... after which i began work on a pretty ambitious NowhereZone 3.5, gave up on coding entirely for 10 months aaaand now we're here! its not pretty, but it doesnt need to be :p

BROWSE: 1.0 , 2.0 (incomplete). 3.0 wasnt archived, but u can see it in this video!